The five Dysfunctions of a team [draft]

Posted by on October 19, 2019 · 1 min read

Team ….

I used to work in the IT industry since eight years. …..
During the last six months, i noticed that the work is getting worse and worse with no real changes and it seems that no one care about how the team. I googled for “best books of management” and i find a lot of.

– Started reading the book, i tried to look for the company name “" but i realised that this is just a novel and ther's no company with such name (it exist really but it is not the book compnay)

Team is not a collection of indiviudals

Politics is when people choose thiers words and actions based on how they want others to react rather than based on what they really thinks

If wo don't trust one another, then we aren't going to engage in open constructive, idealogical confilicts, and we'll just continue to preserve a sense of artifical harmony

** This issue with the IT service **

For all most all the companies in this sector, they are resources/time/expertise provider. They analyse, architect and implement solutions to others client in the IT field (Process industrialisation , web sites, mobile applications ) and they not own neither the product neither the code (formally). The issue with this model in all major forms, will transform a …..

The five dysfunctions of a team - pyramid